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Meet Your Fellow Humanists By Pat Barr








Pat Barr is the RBH 2012 Volunteer of the Year and writes these personal stories about our members. She is also very involved with our Program Committee and the RBH Community Outreach Group.


If you’d like to share your story, please contact Pat Barr via email to

She’d love hearing from you! 


Bill Barr




Here Pat recounts the generosity and dedication of two of RBH’s newest members she knows well - her son, Bill, and his wife Claudia Barr. Bill and his family met a young man who was born in poverty in Haiti and helped him fulfill his dream of coming to America and getting a good education. 

Mike Scher



Mike Scher is a life-long atheist and proud of his paratrooper days in World War II. When in England, Mike met Ellen, the love of his life, and they were married for 46 years until she died in 2008. He misses her terribly. He loves being a contrarian and usually adds interesting comments at the monthly Forum discussions.

Clem Kreider




Clem is a retired neurosurgeon who loves cooking and has entered several chili cookoffs. He also loves writing letters to the editor about the absolute necessity of maintaining the separation of church and state.

Trudy Lagan



Trudy was raised as a Reformed Protestant. She went to most of the required religion classes, but did not make her confirmation because she had too many questions. After 5 years of bible study, at age 19, she asked the minister to help her to believe. The interaction was positive, but he said she had to have "faith."

Ron Steelman - Founder/President Emeritus


Ron was born in Columbus, Ohio as one of the first baby-boomer babies, exactly nine months after his father returned from WWII. He has two brothers, one three years older and one five years younger. He believes that personality traits based upon birth order are pure silliness. The books say “middle children do not openly share their thoughts or feelings.” If you’ve met Steelman, you know how silly that is.

Carol & Paul Auer


As of this writing, Carol and her husband Paul are planning to leave Middletown to move to New Paltz, N.Y. The worst part about moving away will be leaving the wonderful friends and activities with which they have been involved in RBH. 

Eric Seldner


Eric is the love child of the late 60's, born in Princeton NJ to very young parents who do not let his arrival interfere with their strong intellectual aspirations. They blended Quaker and non-observant Jewish upbringings to raise Eric in a freethinking way. They always reasoned with him from a very young age, and he loved nothing more than to listen in on the intellectual conversations they promoted among family and friends. 


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