Become a supporting member of Red Bank Humanists and join with others who enjoy the exploration of this positive philosophy.
Through our monthly Forums, Humanist Salons, and other social events we offer opportunities to discuss a variety of interesting/provocative topics from a Humanist perspective. We allow ourselves to explore virtually any topic as long as the discussion remains civil. Our discussions are quite lively and the more who participate, the deeper and more valuable they become.
We have created a vibrant Humanist community in Monmouth County! Most of our events are free and open to the public and we continue to host a variety of educational opportunities. Occasionally, we create group field-trips and “member-only events” (when presented at the home of one of our members).
Donate $30 for an annual individual membership or $45 for an annual family membership. As a supporting member you will receive immediate notice of all planned activities, plus regular newsletters covering a variety of informative topics. Donations from supporting memberships cover our basic annual expenses. Annual membership extends from July through the following June.
To pay for outreach and special educational programs, annually we conduct a small fund raising campaign. Donations are voluntary and the funds are allocated to the following:
1) HABcore, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which runs a praiseworthy program to house and train homeless people in the Red Bank area
2) Camp Quest, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which runs the first summer camp for children of Humanists and other non-religious parents
3) Red Bank Charter School...who graciously provides space for our "Scheduled Topic" Forums on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
4) Honorariums for occasional guest speakers and for local newspaper ads to promote these events.