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June 12th 2016:Artificial Intelligence: Blessing or Curse
•What is AI? •How many kinds of AI are there? •What does AI imply today? •What does AI imply in the future? •What are we doing to prepare...

May 2016: Red Bank Humanists: The Inside Story
How does Red Bank Humanists work? What does it take to keep it running? Presentation and Q&A Participate in a brief Membership Meeting...

April 2016: Paris Climate Conference: What Climate Agreement did we get?
The Paris Climate Agreement is a big positive step in the portfolio of climate risk management actions needed for the planet to remain...

Sunday, March 13th: A Better Life in a World Without God
A Better Life - both the book and the film - highlight the various ways that those who are not religious find joy, meaning, and purpose...

Darwin Day Forum 2016: Bioethics and Evolution in the 21st Century
•Is evolution still relevant? •Can we, and should we take over for natural selection? •Is it OK to enhance plants? Animals? Humans? •Is...

The Soul Falacy
• Who believes in the soul today? • What kind of soul do people believe in? • What can science tell us about the existence of the...

Ron Steelman Podcast for the American Humanist Association
RBH founder Ron Steelman interviews RBH board member Ron Flannery on a recent American Humanist Association podcast. Topic: What's...

December Forum: No More Drug War: Harmful Drug Policies in NJ & How We Can Reform Them
• How have our state’s ineffective and counterproductive drug policies increased the harms related to drug use, and wasted taxpayer...

What does End-Of-History look like?
When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, Francis Fukuyama famously announced an ‘end of history’ with the defeat of socialism and the...

Humanism: Its Vision, Modern History, and Future
•What are the basic ideas of humanism •How did this worldview develop in modern times •How is the Humanist movement progressing today...
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