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Life Driven Purpose
* Countering Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life” * Nonbelievers lead positive lives * The “Good News” of atheism * How nonbelievers...

The status of Aid-in-Dying as a Humanist issue.
• Content of the Aid-In-Dying for the Terminally Ill Act • Success of similar Aid-In-Dying laws in other states • Objections by the...

Protecting and Supporting our Honey Bees and other Pollinators
•My pathway to beekeeping •Honey bees and beekeeping •Other pollinators at risk, and why they’re important •Ways people can support...

The Difference Between Philosophy and Religion
•What distinguishes philosophy from religion? • How do their goals and attitudes differ? • Why is Humanism a philosophy and not a religion?

A Geological Perspective on Sea-Level Rise and its Impacts
•Sea-level rise appears to be accelerating • What regional and local effects add to sea-level rise? • What sea-level changes are expected...

Teaching Evolution in Secondary Schools – Methods and Challenges
•Evolution is science and should be taught as science • Evolution is the common tie that binds all of biology • Attempts to undermine the...

Alice Paul: New Jersey's Heroine for Equality
• How did Alice Paul champion equal rights for women? • What role did Alice Paul play in passage of the 19th amendment? • What is the...

The Secular Conscience
• How can we combat the false accusation that there can be no morality without religion? • Historically, why do Atheists face more...

The Evolution Controversy and its Church/State Implications
• How do the main tenets of Creationism and Intelligent Design relate to evolution? • What are the implications of evolutionary theory...
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